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Huge fly - Tabanus atratus - female

Huge fly - Tabanus atratus - Female
Lake Placid, Highlands County, Florida, USA
August 4, 2009
Size: 50mm, maybe more
This is the largest fly I have ever seen, I actually saw two of these at two different locations on the same day. I am guessing it is a horsefly of some sort. A handful of these things ought to be able to carry a horse as a "to-go" meal!

Size is overestimated
Credible sources report a range of length for this species of 20-25 mm and a maximum for any species in the genus of 30 mm. See more in-depth discussion here.

Moved from Flies.

Holy cow!
50mm?! As in 2 inches or more? That's enormous! Imagine one of those landing on your dinner, lol. I've always heard that Florida has big bugs, ahhhh! Thanks for the proof! :)

They don't land on your dinner, they land on you.
Because as far as they're concerned, you are their dinner.

Are they blood suckers or meat chompers?

They are bloodsuckers, and do feed on livestock.
Out west we have the similar, but not quite as gigantic, Tabanus punctifer:

I'll have to go hang out with the neighbor's horses this summer and see if I see one. :)

female Tabanus atratus

don't blame Florida -- this dinofly's range covers at least half the continent

I clicked on your thumbnail when you posted it and realized that they aren't only from Florida. I even read somewhere that we should have them in Washington state, too. I'm surprised that I haven't seen one myself, as I live in forested area that is surrounded by rural farmland. Do these flies feed on livestock?

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