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Neon Skimmer male - Libellula croceipennis - male

Neon Skimmer male - Libellula croceipennis - Male
Williamson County, Texas, USA
June 6, 2005
Males of this species are the second "large" dragonfly to show up in spring; they are also the most aggressive in defending territory. (Widow skimmer males show up a few days to a week before the neon skimmers.) They prefer the shady "stream" end of the water complex, but they will "buzz" other male dragonflies near their preferred perches (mostly the water iris early, and pickerelweed later.) Their brilliant neon-red color seems to glow in the shadows. Compared to Flame Skimmers (which we have seen) they are simply a more intense, almost unreal glowing red.

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Neon Skimmer male - Libellula croceipennis - male Neon Skimmer male - Libellula croceipennis - male