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Encyrtidae - Copidosoma

Encyrtidae - Copidosoma
Ames - Tullamore, Story County, Iowa, USA
August 20, 2009
Parasitoids in (what was) Trichoplusia ni, 20-Aug-2009.

"Your specimens are undoubtedly Copidosoma sp., and almost certainly C. floridanum. The genus is a large one, containing ca. 180 spp. worldwide, so there are many other possibilities (of course, many fewer here locally). C. floridanum is among the most common in North America and it is known to specialize in plusiine noctuid hosts." James W. Mertins, entomologist

Images of this individual: tag all
Encyrtidae - Copidosoma Encyrtidae - Copidosoma Encyrtidae - Copidosoma Encrytidae, meconial deposits of Copidosoma adults - Copidosoma Encyrtidae, dorsal - Copidosoma Encyrtidae, lateral - Copidosoma

Hi, this image is amazing! Would you mind if I used it in an upcoming (non-commercial) TEDx talk? Let me know and I can send you some details.

Many thanks,


I can't figure out
how to contact you.
How do I contact you?

Guiness book of records?
This must be the most parasitized caterpillar one ever gets to see.
I understand that the wasp lays only a couple of eggs and they, in turn, produce many more individuals by cloning.

You're right. When I read there was a record for number of wasps, I was so dispointed that I hadn't counted mine. But then what would I have done if my count came out to be 3052, just 3 short of the record? I'd be forced to recount and see if I possibly missed counting 4 wasps.

parasitized moth eggs. They were on a flat surface so it was easy.

Then you'd get a different number the second time than you did the first time, so you'd have to count them a third time.

Exactly my point.
And I have trouble counting over 10 fingers.

I count things like this
in Photoshop so I can put a dot of color on each as it's counted. ;-)

I just added that link to the info page for the genus, I also added the word "polyembryony" to the glossary, got temporarily lost in that fascinating "Book of Insect Records", and now it is time to go back to my taxes. Oh, wait, I think that first I will make a comment in the general discussion forum; others would like to see this too.

There's a similar image of Copidosoma in
Lepidoptera of the Pacific Northwest (1) page 15. Just amazing how they completely fill the caterpillar.

There's also
(shudder) this beetle larva, chock-full of eulophids:

Moved from Chalcid Wasps.

Moved from ID Request.

I have to echo all the sentiments of both disgust and fascination! Nicely captured!

I just went to
the Mütter Museum Friday so I am now desensitized to this!!!

That's a great museum, been there a few times myself!

I have such mixed feelings looking at this picture.
Its so awesome so I just sit looking at all the parasitoids, but at the same time I feel a little nauseous...

Exactly my response
facinating yet repulsive.
I've gotten similar wasps from another unidentified Plusiinae .

Very disturbing, but nicely captured!

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