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Collembola sp. - Hymenaphorura cocklei

Collembola sp. - Hymenaphorura cocklei
Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
June 18, 2009
seen at high altitude at edge of snow.

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Collembola sp. - Hymenaphorura cocklei Collembola sp. - Hymenaphorura cocklei

Golden Snow Flea
In 1997 I was guiding on Bald Mountain in the Purcell Range west of Golden , Canada. In June of that year I observed numerous colonies of golden collembola dining on chlamydomonas nivealis in sun cups of a temporary (pink) snowfield. I had no camera but was able to study them with a pocket microscope and reversed binoculars.
The altitude was between 7200 - 7400 ft A bright sunny morning.
I also noted several grylloblatid spcs preying on the snow fleas.
I have been looking for some years for the most likely collembola sps and believe that Hymenophorura fit the closest, based on the pictures in your gallery. Great work gentlemen I will visit this site more often for resources on nivean biomes.


Hymenaphorura cocklei
Aka the golden snowflea

I would appreciate receiving your permission to use your Collembola pictures as illustrations at
Credits and copyrights will be provided for each picture used.

re Collembola pictures
You have our permission.

Could you specify your initials so I can provide proper credits, pls?

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