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Orchard braconid with unique hind wings - Heterospilus - male

Orchard braconid with unique hind wings - Heterospilus - Male
Erwin Orchards (South Lyon), Oakland County, Michigan, USA
July 27, 2009
Size: 2 mm
I haven't yet seen a Braconid with hind wings like this-- both have a large dark circular area toward the base of the wing, just as it widens. The second photo has a close up of the wings so you can hopefully see it better.

Images of this individual: tag all
Orchard braconid with unique hind wings - Heterospilus - male Orchard braconid with unique hind wings - Heterospilus

male Heterospilus -- Michael Sharkey det.
his comment: "No idea of the species. Only the males have the enlarged vein in the hind wing. Paul Marsh is the expert in the group."
(so to Dr Marsh it goes -- pls be patient, SG. =v=)

Moved from ID Request.

Heterospilus sp. male -- Paul Marsh det.
his comment: "Males have this stigma-like swelling at base of hind wing. Genus needs study for North America, possibly 200 species in the group; over 400 species in Costa Rica alone."

wing swelling explained

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