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Corticaria dentiventris - male

Corticaria dentiventris - Male
Anderson River Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada
June 3, 1977
Size: 2.9mm
I recently dissected this specimen from the Strickland Museum (University of Alberta). It was collected by Danny Shpeley and George Ball in 1977 on a collecting trip in the NWT. It is the largest Corticaria that I have come across and has quite distinct external morphology. The pronotal margins are hardly toothed, and there is not an obvious post-basal fovea. The 5th sternite (see photo) is emarginated medially in the male.
Determination confirmed by W. Rucker.

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Corticaria dentiventris - male Corticaria dentiventris - male Corticaria dentiventris - male Corticaria dentiventris - male

NWT is a fairly small patch of land, right? just a dot on the map :))
it's either that, or the collectors were too inexperienced to specify location any further :)))
thanks for adding this nice and distinctive corticariine, Charlene.

will add...
no, there's a specific location on the label. These two are very experienced collectors. I just didn't have it with me at the time of posting.

'experienced collectors'
of course i was perfectly aware of that -- thus the surprise. Do you happen to know Ball personally? he's an icon...

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