Species Amblyseius swirskii
Distribution and conservation status of Speleonycta ozarkensis from caves of the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas and Oklahoma, USA By L. Espinasa, M. Espinasa, D.B. Fenolio, M.E. Slay, M.L. Niemiller Subterranean Biology 14:51-62, 2014
A new species of Nicoletiidae (Insecta: Zygentoma) from Kartchner Caverns State Park, Arizona By L. Espinasa, R.B. Pape, A. Henneberry, C. Kinnear Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 74(1):82-89, 2012
A new genus of the subfamily Cubacubaninae (Insecta: Zygentoma:Nicoletiidae) from caves in south-central and southwestern USA By L. Espinasa, S. Furst, T. Allen, M.E. Slay Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 72(3):161-168, 2010
Description of a new genus of cave Thysanuran from Texas (Nicoletiidae, Thysanura, Insecta) By Wygodzinsky, P. American Museum Novitates 2518:1-8, 1973
On J. Paclt's Nicoletiidae (Thysanura) in the "Genera Insectorum" By Wygodzinsky, P. Journal of Natural History (Series 13) Volume 6 Issue 65:265-269, 1963
Sobre algunos "Nicoletiidae" americanos (Thysanura, Insecta) By Wygodzinsky, P. Acta Zoologica Lilloana 16:97-120, 1958
A contribution to the subterranean fauna of Texas By Ulrich, C.J. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 23:83-101, 1902
Materiali per lo studio dei Tisanuri. VI. Tre nuove specie di Nicoletia appartenti ad un nuovo sottogenere By Silvestri, F. Redia 2:111-115, 1905