Subfamily Cicindelinae - Tiger Beetles
Tiger Beetles of Manitoba: Ecology, Life History and Microsculpture By Robert E. Wrigley, Larry de March and Erwin Huebner Robert E. Wrigley, 2022
The book covers the 19 species occurring in prairie, aspen parkland, mixed forest, boreal forest, and tundra habitats of Manitoba, Canada. Chapters are entitled: ecology, life history, activity, distribution past and present, tiger beetles as predators and prey, observing tiger beetles, conservation status, historical quotations by scientists, tiger beetles as models for artists, and five pages of references. The book is richly supplied with large-scale images of the beetles and their habitats, 24 electron-microscope images (x 60 to 1800) detailing the morphology of several species, and images of artists' renditions of tiger beetles (e.g., belt buckle).
Contributed by John VanDyk on 25 October, 2023 - 8:30pm |
Tiger Beetles of New Mexico: Identification, Biology, and Conservation By C. Barry Knisley, Mark S. Romero, Robert E. Acciavatti C. Barry Knisley, 2023
Only fully illustrated account of tiger beetle fauna for any southwestern U. S. state, with conservation status of each New Mexico taxa, large color-coded dot map by county, with over 500 color photos.
Contact C. Barry Knisley (bknisley@rmc.edu)
Tiger Beetles of the Southeastern United States: A Field Guide By Robert Gifford Beaton, R. Stephen Krotzer, Brian D. Holt University of Alabama Press, 2021
Looks great so far. Excellent photos and detailed range maps. Bar charts for each species showing phenology are a plus.
Contributed by Cotinis on 21 April, 2023 - 5:23pm |
Validation of tiger beetles as distinct family (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae), review and reclassification of tribal relationships By Daniel P. Duran & Harlan M. Gough Systematic Entomology, 2020
Abstract: The higher-level taxonomy of tiger beetles is re-evaluated in light of recent publications based on large taxon sets and a large number of genetic loci. These studies have demonstrated that tiger beetles are a distinct family, Cicindelidae Latreille, sister to the Carabidae Latreille (ground beetles) or Trachypachidae Thomson (false ground beetles) + Carabidae. Recent phylogenies have also recovered consistent patterns in higher-level relationships within the tiger beetles that challenge the traditional taxonomic framework, most of which is more than a century old. These phylogenetic results are reviewed along with concordant morphological characters to create an updated higher-level classification. The subfamily Collyrinae Csiki is not supported by any modern data. We recognize six tribes, Manticorini Laporte (new sense), Megacephalini Laporte (new sense), Collyridini Brullé, Ctenostomatini Laporte, Cicindelini Latreille and the reinstated Oxycheilini Chaudoir (with emended spelling).
Checklist of the Tiger Beetles of the World, 2nd Edition By Jürgen Wiesner Winterwork, Borsdorf, 2020
Summary: The first edition of the “Checklist” was published in 1992 and recognized 1923 species of tiger beetles. The species were treated as a family with two subfamilies and several tribes and subtribes. This second edition follows Bouchard et al. 2011 and Duran and Gough 2020 with seven tribes and several subtribes. The tiger beetles are again treated as family, following the results of Lopez-Lopez and Vogler, 2017, and Gough et al., 2020. In these last 25 years 974 new tiger beetle species have been described or re-established, raising the species number of this “Checklist” to 2897. Contents of the book include the geographical range of each species, the complete synonymies, an extensive bibliography, and comprehensive indexes.
Tiger Beetles of Minnesota, Wisconsin, & Michigan By Brust, Mathew [photos by Mike Reese] Kollath+Stensaas Publishing, 2020
This richly illustrated identification guide to all 21 species also treats much of their biology and collection methods. Additional information about the book, author, and ordering are available here.
Studies on the morphology, taxonomy, and ecology of the larvae of Holarctic tiger-beetles (family Cicindelidae) By Hamilton, Clyde Carney Proc. U.S. National Mus. 65: 1-87, 1925
Older reference, but contains useful illustrations (by the author), descriptions, and keys to larval tiger beetles. Full-text links:
- https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00963801.65-2530.1
- https://repository.si.edu/handle/10088/15367
- https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/7767199 (BHL)
Biographical information on the author:
Clyde Carney Hamilton 1890–1959
Robert S. Filmer
Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 53, Issue 6, 1 December 1960, Page 1142, https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/53.6.1142
Contributed by Cotinis on 4 August, 2020 - 10:46am |
Book Review: A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of the US & Canada: Identification, Natural History, and Distribution (2nd Ed.) By Jackson, M. The Coleopterists Bulletin 71(3): 530-531., 2017
Jackson, M. 2017. Book Review: A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of the United States and Canada: Identification, Natural History, and Distribution of the Cicindelinae (Second Edition). The Coleopterists Bulletin 71(3): 530-531.
"Unfortunately, I have also found that some of the new additions feel unnecessary, and to make matters worse, that the authors have chosen a new and unsupported taxonomy that threatens to invalidate this second edition before it leaves the shelf."
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 24 April, 2018 - 5:41pm |