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Illustrated Identification Guide to Adults and Larvae of Northeastern North American Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
By Yves Bousquet
Pensoft Publishers, 2010
ISBN: 978-954-642-522-5
Cite: 379165 with citation markup [cite:379165]
Profuse illustrations and explanations of morphologic terms make this regional taxonomic guide accessible to a relative newcomer using a good stereomicroscope with light source. Color plates for 260 species (habitus views) will especially appeal to the beetle morphophile. Contents and ordering information are detailed here. The book is expensive so consider scanning an institutional copy.

See a review of this book in The Coleopterists Bulletin 64(4): 390-391, 2010.

current link as of 12/1/14

Thanks Peter; how useful will this be for me in northern GA?

Southeastern quadrant carabid fauna
will have up to a third of its species not included in this northeastern guide book. Conversely, up to a third of the species cited in the book do not occur in the southeast I'm guessing. Identification of carabid species outside the northeastern quadrant requires that the specialist have access to species lists for their area as a backup check. The catalogue of North American Carabidae by Bousquet and Larochelle (1993) would best serve that purpose. Update: the latest catalogue edition of North American Geadephaga by Bousquet (2012) is a free download.

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