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Species Aglossa caprealis - Stored Grain Moth - Hodges#5517

Aglossa caprealis NJ Stored Grain Moth - Aglossa caprealis Moth - Aglossa caprealis Stored Grain Moth - Hodges#5517 - Aglossa caprealis Aglossa? - Aglossa caprealis Aglossa caprealis Aglossa caprealis? - Aglossa caprealis Moth - Aglossa caprealis
Show images of: caterpillars · adults · both
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
Superfamily Pyraloidea (Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moths)
Family Pyralidae (Pyralid Moths)
Subfamily Pyralinae
Tribe Pyralini
Genus Aglossa
Species caprealis (Stored Grain Moth - Hodges#5517)
Hodges Number
Other Common Names
Murky Meal Moth
Small Tabby
Fungus Moth
wingspan 23-27 mm
Adult: top of head and neck dark; forewing shiny, brownish-gray with pale yellowish patches and lines; reniform spot dark, circular, surrounding by pale ring; AM line thick, sharp-angled but shallow zigzag; ST line thick and straight at costa and inner margin, middle portion U-shaped, thin, jagged

Larva: black with small whitish spots and sparse hairs
most of North America plus Eurasia, Australia & New Zealand, and probably other places throughout the world
around or in human habitations and buildings: homes, outhouses, barns, stables
adults fly from June to September in the northern hemisphere, but may be found in any month indoors
larvae feed on stored foods, vegetable debris, grain chaff, fungi, and dead animals
Probably introduced from western Eurasia, like other Aglossa
See Also
Grease Moth (A. cuprina) is similar but top of head and neck is pale yellowish, and the AM line has a single large V-shaped "tooth" extending into the medial area (see comparison images in Moth Photographers Group link below)
Large Tabby (A. pinguinalis) is larger, and forewing is more uniformly mottled (not as patchy)
Internet References
live and pinned adult images by various photographers, and common name reference [Stored Grain Moth] (Moth Photographers Group)
adult image (Larry Line, Maryland)
description plus habitat, food plants, and flight season (The Larger Moths of Suffolk, UK)
larva and pupa images (Agricultural Research Service, USDA)
presence in Florida; list (Michael Thomas, Florida State Collection of Arthropods)
presence in Ontario; list (NHIC; Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources)