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confusion - Metarranthis indeclinata

confusion - Metarranthis indeclinata
Hay Island, Neguac, Northumberland County, New Brunswick, Canada
July 1, 2005
On alder shrub. Covell's Guide says the Common Metarranthis (M. hypochraria = hypocharia = mestusata) has especially heavy brown shading inside sharply-bent PM line, and its continuation onto hindwing. It also says that in the Pale Metarranthis (M. indeclinata), the brown shading is much paler.
The CBIF images of these 2 species show the opposite situation: the one labeled M. indeclinata has dark brown shading, and the one labeled M. mestusata (=hypochraria =hypocharia) is very pale.
Something's not right here.

Very Tough Group with problems remaining...
.... to be worked out as remark by Dave Wagner in his Caterpillar Guide. Your moth in your photo clearly falls within the range of variation of M. indeclinata illustrated by 5 specimens in Handfield's Papillons du Quebec. I'd be comfortable (> 75% ??)in calling it that while realizing full well that it could still actually have the genitalia of another species.

Pale Metarranthis
Thanks, Bob. I really should get a copy of Handfield's Guide. Image moved to species page.

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