Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
formerly Epidelta metonalis (and originally Herminia longilabris)
labial palps very long (as long as head and thorax combined) and flattened laterally; male antennae broadly bipectinate, with each lateral branch 1 mm long; forewing light grayish-brown or yellowish-brown, often darker in median area and toward apex; AM and PM lines thin, curved, dark brown; reniform spot a short brown bar or crescent; some specimens have diffuse double ST line
hindwing lighter, especially in basal half, with the two lines of the forewing continuing across them, but not as clearly marked
British Columbia to Newfoundland, south to North Carolina, west to Missouri
meadows, edges, and other well-vegetated open areas; adults are nocturnal and attracted to light
adults fly from June to August/September
larvae feed on dead grass and dead leaves of deciduous trees; larvae will also eat dandelion and lettuce
See Also
no other species in subfamily Herminiinae has such long palps and such long pectinations on the male antennae
P. eumelusalis is larger and darker
P. hanhami is much darker chocolate brown, and better marked
The male's feathery antennae separate it from Zanclognatha species
Contributed by
Robin McLeod on 26 November, 2005 - 1:23pm
Additional contributions by
Ron M.,
BlockyLast updated 28 March, 2020 - 9:27pm