Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
placed in family Haglidae by some sources (e.g.
Tree of Life)
placed in subfamily Decticinae in family Tettigoniidae by other sources (e.g.
U. of Wisconsin)
Explanation of Names
CYPHODERRIS: from the Greek "kyphos" (bent) + "derris" (a covering); refers to the humped wings that resemble a bulky blanket heaped on the insect's back
3 species in North America listed under Haglidae at
brown with black and pale yellowish markings; short flightless wings are bulky and humped up like a loosely-folded blanket heaped on the insect's back
northwestern United States and southwestern Canada
coniferous forests and high-altitude sagebrush prairie; adults hide beneath leaf litter during the day, and become active at night
adults from May to August
staminate flowers of coniferous trees, and flower parts & pollen of broadleaved shrubs; sometimes eats fruit and small insects
Life Cycle
overwinters as a late-instar nymph or young adult in burrow in ground; one generation per year
males stridulate to attract females or to announce territory
Internet References
live adult images of male and female
C. strepitans by Darryl Gwynne, plus classification, biology, and references (Tree of Life)
links to info, images, distribution maps of the 3 North American species (Singing Insects of North America, U. of Florida)
biology and behavior (U. of Toronto)
Contributed by
Robin McLeod on 29 November, 2005 - 3:04am
Additional contributions by
metriopteraLast updated 19 February, 2014 - 6:46am