Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Explanation of Names
Author of the name: Hentz. Year first published: 1847.
5.5-6.2 mm (female), 4-4.5 mm (male)
The Spiders of the Eastern US says that the Metepeira labyrinthea can be distinguished from other orbweavers by having longer terminal leg segments "(tarsus plus metatarsus longer than tibia plus patella)".
It does have the longitudinal light line on the sternum which isn't found on grandiosa & datona. (1)
The following image is closest to the ventral drawing in the work cited:
(two white ventral marks & 4 spots around spinnerets, & 2 lighter marks on either edge of the black ventral abdomen mark.)
Web in this species (and genus?) a distinctive composite "a more or less vertical orb behind which is placed an irregular labyrinth resembling the snare of a theridiid."
Female with egg cases:
Massachusetts, southern Ontario, southern Wisconsin, to western Oklahoma and western Texas, south to the Florida Keys. (1)
This is a forest species (1).
Spring to late fall. All year in FL. (1)
Over most of its range, it is the only Metepeira. In the north its range overlaps with grandiosa and in Florida with datona. In Texas it overlaps with other species. (1)
Internet References
1. - The Orb-Weaver Genera
Metepeira, Kaira and
Aculepeira in America North of Mexico (Araneae: Araneidae) by Herbert W. Levi