Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
often treated as a subfamily of
5 or 8 spp. in 3-4 genera in our area, depending on source
(1)(2), ~240 spp. in 33 genera of 5 subfamilies total
Nycterophilia 2 spp., sw. US
Paratrichobius 1 sp., Arizona
Trichobius 5 spp., widespread
Strebla -- Neotropical genus listed in
(2) as potential strays into our region
2-3 mm
(1); globally, most spp. 1.5-2.5 mm (some neotropical spp. 0.75-5.0 mm)
worldwide; 3 subfamilies restricted to the New World, 2 to the Old World
Ectoparasitic on bats (one Old World genus actually has females that imbed themselves and become endoparasites)
Bat blood; the New World streblids tend to be host-specific and adapted to particular areas of host body (wing membrane, head, trunk...); most host species have at least 2 associated streblid spp.
(4)Life Cycle
larviparous; larva usually deposited on the host
(4)Contributed by
John F. Carr on 14 April, 2010 - 7:32pm
Additional contributions by
v belovLast updated 29 July, 2019 - 12:51pm