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Acmaeodera - Acmaeodera cuneata - male - female

Acmaeodera - Acmaeodera cuneata - Male Female
Sabino Canyon, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, USA
April 13, 2010
Size: 10 mm
male on the right, female middle

Images of this individual: tag all
Acmaeodera - Acmaeodera cuneata - male - female Acmaeodera - Acmaeodera cuneata - male Acmaeodera - Acmaeodera cuneata - male Acmaeodera - Acmaeodera cuneata - male

First, thanks to Margarethe for calling matters to my attention. I now consider these specimens to be Acmaeodera cuneata, after having studied this and related species more closely in recent years. Still, there remain problems in this group, and we are working them out with the use of DNA sequencing. However, we need more material for study.

I went back today
to collect, but the weather changed - no bugs. I will keep trying.


Acmaeodera sphaeralceae Barr -- R.L. Westcott det.
"an extremely variable species"

Moved from Acmaeodera.

Moved from ID Request.

I could have told you three years ago; I had this species...too far gone removed from the memory banks at this point! It is not an uncommon species and should be readily identified in the UofA collection.

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