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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
White oak gall wasp - Ceroptres - male

White oak gall wasp - Ceroptres - Male
Westborough Wildlife Management Area, Westborough, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA
April 29, 2010
Size: 2 mm
Emerged yesterday (4/28/10) from a gall in a white oak (Quercus alba) leaf that I collected from the forest floor in March.

[Edit] Several months after this wasp emerged, I was doing a little housecleaning and discovered that a female had emerged from a similar gall on the same leaf:

Images of this individual: tag all
White oak gall wasp - Ceroptres - male White oak gall wasp - Philonix fulvicollis - male

Moved from Unidentified little round galls on white oak leaf veins.
Det. Matt Buffington; the male and female are likely the same species; no comparable identified specimens in the U.S. National Collection.

Spotted similar specimen
Just outside my window we have a large oak. I believe I have a specimen of a very similar or identical wasp stuck between the screen and the window.

Moved from Gall Wasps.