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Plant Bug - Agrilus audax

Plant Bug - Agrilus audax
Garland, Dallas County, Texas, USA
February 9, 2010
Size: 1/2" or less

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Plant Bug - Agrilus audax Plant Bug - Agrilus audax

By the way Dennis, I lack thi
By the way Dennis, I lack this beautiful Agrilus from my collection and if you don't mind I would love to add any future specimens you come across of this or any other bup for that matter.

Agrilus again
Josh: I suppose that I'll get smacked for this, but since you seem to have no problem using BugGuide as though it was Amazon's WishList, allow me to point out that it is far too distracting already to mix the science of buprestids with many thoughts of others still learning. To add to it your acquisitive comments is not further reason for my already infrequent visits.

Moved from Agrilus.

What does this mean? Moved from Agrilus to what?

You can always tell where an image is
by taking a look at the string of terms above it. In this case, you'll see: Home » Guide » Arthropods (Arthropoda) » Insects (Insecta) » Beetles (Coleoptera) » Water, Rove, Scarab, Longhorn, Leaf and Snout Beetles (Polyphaga) » Metallic Wood Boring Beetles (Buprestoidea) » Metallic Wood-boring Beetles (Buprestidae) » Agrilinae » Agrilini » Agrilus » Agrilus audax

Working backwards, you'll see that the images is on the Agrilus audax page, within the genus Agrilus, within the Tribe Agrilini, within the Subfamily Agrilinae, etc. etc.

Agrilus I suppose
Ken: I wasn't questioning the BugGuide logic, just Josh's terms. Since the current classification of buprestids used by BugGuide was the system I proposed, I hope you and my colleagues will forgive me if I say that I see no reason to work backwards. There are too many outstanding buprestid questions to answer for any of us to be distracted by conflicting vectors.

I moved it from the genus lev
I moved it from the genus level to the species level.

But you did not identify it. Henry Hespenheide did, confirmed by Chuck and myself, as I commented below. I think that is what Chuck is driving at.

Funny way to do things. I think BugGuide needs a special "Determined by" field. I would have thought the earlier ID to stick.

Oh well, we got it, and it was a new addition to the fold, so...

Okay, now I'm confused...
The "earlier ID" hasn't been changed. You and Henry Hespenheide made the call that it was A. audax, but the image was never moved to the species pages.

Joshua just put it where it needed to be. I would have done the same thing. The "determined by" issue is preserved in the comments, so I don't understand what the problem is.

But then, maybe I'm missing something. It's been known to happen. :)

Agrilus from Garland, Texas
I copied the photo to our leading expert, Henry Hespenheide, on this genus, and he figured it to be Agrilus audax Horn, an uncommonly collected species. I then looked in my reference collection, and that is what it is. Chuck Bellamy also confirmed it.

Oh, please get rid of "plant bug" as a common name--for goodness sake!

Moved from ID Request.

Buprestidae , I presume.
Someone else will probably be able to take the ID further.

Agrilus sp.
what plant was it on?

Darn - I REALLY need to learn my plants :)

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