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fly - Amblypsilopus psittacinus - male

fly - Amblypsilopus psittacinus - Male
Dunedin, Pinellas County, Florida, USA
April 11, 2010

Moved from Amblypsilopus.

Moved from Sciapodinae. The wing is so odd, and matches the description of the type species too closely, that I'll call it something close to A. psittacinus and possibly that species itself.

After looking at this again I have to say it is an odd looking fly. The wing and wing veins are distorted. That is a male secondary sexual character in some Sciapodinae. I suspect Amblypsilopus, in which some species have the MSSC "distinct crocheted costal cilia on wing".

Do you have any other angles or closer pictures?

Might be this one
Psilopus psittacinus Loew 1861 = Amblypsilopus psittacinus is similar to your fly, and was described from Florida.

fly description
These old books really have quite detailed descriptions. There are several details listed that seem to match this fly quite closely.

Florida fly
I only have one other photo which is essentially the same as this one.

Is this fully zoomed? If not, can you post a closer shot? Generic characters include presence or absence of a slightly hairy mound just inside the eyes at the top of the head, hairs on top of thorax, and number of longer hairs on the scutellum. Details of that hairy fringe on the front of the wing might also help (I haven't found out yet exactly how it is supposed to look if my guess is right).

no luck
Both photos are 560x560 so that's about the limit to any zoom. The posted one is the better image. The other photo is not quite as sharp.

Moved from Longlegged Flies.

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