Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Eudonia rectilinea (Zeller, 1874)
* Phylogenetic sequence #142625
Eudonia species are found in America north of Mexico.
(MPG list)Identification
Forewing gray with nearly straight postmedial line that has a slight bend near the costa.
British Columbia to southern California.
Adults fly April through September, with the peak during June to July.
(1)Print References
Powell, J. A., and P. A. Opler 2009. Moths of Western North America. pl. 21.30; p. 170.
Munroe, E. G. 1972. The Moths of America North of Mexico: Scopariinae, Nymphulinae. Fascicle 13.1A.
Internet References
Moth Photographers Group - range map, some collection records, living and pinned adults.
BOLD - Barcode of Life Data Systems - collection map and photos of pinned adults.