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Species Apamea impulsa - Hodges#9360

Moth 11 - Apamea impulsa Apamea impulsa 9360 - Apamea impulsa Apamea impulsa  Hodges#9360 - Apamea impulsa  Hodges#9360 - Apamea impulsa Confirmation - Apamea impulsa Apamea impulsa Apamea impulsa
Show images of: caterpillars · adults · both
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
Superfamily Noctuoidea (Owlet Moths and kin)
Family Noctuidae (Owlet Moths)
Subfamily Noctuinae (Cutworm or Dart Moths)
Tribe Apameini
Genus Apamea
Species impulsa (Apamea impulsa - Hodges#9360)
Hodges Number
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
described in 1852 by Guenee, who originally placed it in genus Mamestra
wingspan about 34 mm, based on photo by Jim Vargo at MPG
Adult: forewing very dark gray with black lines that contrast only slightly against ground color; AM and PM lines indistinct; center of reniform spot slightly paler than perimeter; orbicular and claviform spots visible as black outlines; orbicular spot small and does not come close to touching reniform spot; two black basal dashes; subterminal area and most of median area appear "flat" (dull, with no markings); subterminal line a broken series of indistinct pale dots; terminal line composed of black slightly-curved dashes; fringe black; hindwing dirty white basally, shading to dark gray distally; head and thorax black; abdomen gray; adults at rest hold their wings flat side-by-side (not overlapping), giving an overall triangular shape when viewed from above
coast to coast across southern Canada and northern United States
fields, grasslands
adults fly from June to August
larvae feed on grasses
Life Cycle
one generation per year
A previously misidentified photo that was on this page has been moved to the Fleece-winged Dart page.
See Also
Melanapamea mixta forewing has paler reniform spot, diffuse black medial line, reduced or absent basal dashes, terminal line composed of several pale dots, and wing veins in subterminal area are visible as black lines
Fleece-winged Dart (Euxoa velleripennis) flies later (September or October), has large orbicular spot that almost touches reniform spot, and rests with wings overlapping and hugged close to the body, giving a more cylindrical shape when viewed from above [the male of E. velleripennis also has white hindwings]
Internet References
larval foodplants; PDF doc plus flight season and life cycle (Macrolepidoptera of Mont Saint-Hilaire Region, McGill U., Quebec)
habitat and status in Illinois; PDF doc (Species in Greatest Need of Conservation for Illinois; Dept. of Natural Resources)
presence in New York; list (Olive Natural Heritage Society, New York)
distribution in Canada list of provinces of occurrence (U. of Alberta, using CBIF data)