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Abbott's Sphinx Larva 5th Instar - Sphecodina abbottii

Abbott's Sphinx Larva 5th Instar - Sphecodina abbottii
Fish Creek, Town of Gibraltar, Door County, Wisconsin, USA
July 22, 2002
On July 21, 2002, a green 4th instar larva was brought to me by Kathy Presnell. At 10 o'clock the morning of July 22, 2002, it was still green; when I checked it ten minutes later, it had changed to this brown form and the shed skin was laying next to it. By the time I got it outside to take a photo in better light, it ate its skin. Started pupa July 29, 2002 and finished on August 7, 2002. Placed in cold fruit cellar for over-wintering. Removed from fruit cellar April 24, 2003. Adult eclosed April 25, 2003.

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Abbott's Sphinx Larva 5th Instar - Sphecodina abbottii Abbott's Sphinx - Sphecodina abbottii Abbott's Sphinx 4th Instar Larva - Sphecodina abbottii

This could be the cyclops of the caterpillar world. Great shot!

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