Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada

Subfamily Omophroninae

eAgra: Western Hemisphere Caraboidea
A compilation of species descriptions and images of carabids of the Western Hemisphere (North, Central and South America). A work still in progress, this website aims to cover all carabid species that occur in the above-mentioned regions.

Carabidae of the World
A fast growing database with rich photo gallery and info on various carabid-related topics

Database of Carabidae found on Plummers Island Maryland
Database with species accounts, representative images.

The Ground Beetles of Canada
Illustrations of over 300 species.
URL updated 10/13/19.

The ground beetles of Florida (Coleoptera: Carabidae) including tiger beetles, tribe Cicindelini, by P.M. Choate
PDF document. A helpful online source for ground beetle identification; provides:
(i) a checklist of FL carabids (420 spp. known to the Author, but only 380 previously recorded);
(ii) an illustrated key to genera and keys to spp. of selected genera;
(iii) extensive bibliography.

The Beetle Ring
This site links to numerous other sites about beetles, with short descriptors of each.

Ciegler J.C. (2014) South Carolina beetles

Checklist of Coleoptera Known from Great Smoky Mountains National Park

GSMNP beetle species count (as of 11 February 2013) is 2,522.

Information contained on the Excel spreadsheet includes, family, subfamily (in part), genus and species, a comment line, source(s) of the record, and references to publications dealing with GSMNP beetles.

Prepared by:
The Coleoptera Taxonomic Working Group (TWIG) at the Louisiana State Arthropod Museum (LSAM)
Christopher Carlton, TWIG Coordinator