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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Mud lover - Heterocerus intermuralis

Mud lover - Heterocerus intermuralis
Picture Rocks, NW of Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, USA
June 5, 2010
Size: 6 mm
That night, there were more than 70 of these, but mostly without that big head and mouth parts of this one

they are rare here otherwise. Mass emergence gone two days later (none)


Looks like H. intermuralis
Is there any way you could send me a few of those?

Thanks for the id! This year
I got none - last year dozens for a couple of days. I must have a bunch of frozen ones, most go to the UAIC, but send me your address, i'll send you extras.
Is there sexual dimorphism? some had much smaller heads

some sp. are highly dimorphic

Moved from Beetles.

Moved from ID Request.