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Weevil of some sort... - Sphenophorus sayi

Weevil of some sort... - Sphenophorus sayi
Salem, Marion County, Oregon, USA
June 14, 2010
Size: 9mm
Found while mowing. Next to patio crawling on straw. Made a great candidate for photography due to typical weevil sluggishness. Heavily armoured and hunkered down as a defence. I have never seen this particular type of weevil before;then again, it was pretty small and could easily be over-looked.

Images of this individual: tag all
Weevil of some sort... - Sphenophorus sayi Weevil of some sort... - Sphenophorus sayi Weevil of some sort... - Sphenophorus sayi Weevil of some sort... - Sphenophorus sayi Weevil of some sort... - Sphenophorus sayi

awesome addition, guys! thanks, Mech and Charlie
Moved from Billbugs.

Sphenophorus sayi Gyllenhal Good photos which helped a lot.A side view of the specimen can help as well.

Moved from ID Request.

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