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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Lady beetle lady at TX mini-gathering - female

Lady beetle lady at TX mini-gathering - Female
Near Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA
June 6, 2010
Size: 64 inches
I turned 35 during the Texas mini-gathering, and wore this Lilly Pulitzer ladybug print dress at my birthday dinner. I bought it on eBay and wasn't sure it would fit or not. I guess you could say it does...

This is the first photo of me on BG that actually shows my face without an insect in front of it...well, we do like to have unobstructed, clear images of our specimens!

Images of this individual: tag all
Lady beetle lady at TX mini-gathering - female Lady beetle lady at TX mini-gathering - female Lady beetle lady at TX mini-gathering - female Abby admiring the admiral (Homo sapiens, Vanessa atalanta) - female Kiss Me, Katydid - female

You look great
and what a neat dress! Too cute.

thanks! A great eBay purchase :)
It's easy to find lady beetle accessories, but hard to find clothing that's designed for people over the age of 5. I always snap it up when I see it :)

Hi, Ladybug lady!
I thinks this one works quite well. The five year olds lost out this time!