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Species Metarranthis duaria - Ruddy Metarranthis - Hodges#6822

Metarranthis duaria - male Ruddy Metarranthis - Metarranthis duaria - male Moth 6/16.14 - Metarranthis duaria Ruddy Metarranthis - Metarranthis duaria Metarranthis duaria Metarranthis duaria Metarranthis duaria ? - Metarranthis duaria - female Metarranthis duaria
Show images of: caterpillars · adults · both
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
Superfamily Geometroidea (Geometrid and Swallowtail Moths)
Family Geometridae (Geometrid Moths)
Subfamily Ennominae
Tribe Anagogini
Genus Metarranthis
Species duaria (Ruddy Metarranthis - Hodges#6822)
Hodges Number
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
subspecies M. d. hamaria listed as a full species (M. hamaria) on some web sites
wingspan 35-40 mm
Adult: forewing angular, pointed, variably reddish to yellowish-gray with black speckling; AM and PM lines diffuse, blackish, and broken where they cross veins; PM line sinuate or bent, resembling a series of half-circles, often bordered proximally by diffuse reddish-brown shading; black discal spot prominent; large dark blotch often present in subterminal area; apical dash usually present; outer margin often slightly falcate near apex
hindwing similarly colored, with somewhat irregular outer margin

Larva: stout and mottled brown, reminiscent of a cutworm (Noctuidae) rather than the typical geometrid body-plan of mimicking twigs
[text from U. of Alberta]
Newfoundland to South Carolina, west to Mississippi, northwest to Washington and British Columbia
deciduous and mixed woods and shrublands
larvae hide on the ground beneath leaf litter or in tree holes during the day, and feed at night
adults fly from late April to early July; most common in May and June
larvae feed on leaves of alder, aspen, basswood, birch, blueberry, cherry, hawthorn, meadowsweet, mock-orange (Philadelphus spp.), oceanspray (Holodiscus spp.), rose, serviceberry, smartweed (Polygonum spp.), willow
Life Cycle
one generation per year
See Also
Metarranthis angularia is very similar but has a slightly more angular PM line, its wing margins are less angular, and its speckling and spots are lighter/more brown rather than black
Warner's Metarranthis has a relatively straight PM line with solid dark shading on the proximal side
Internet References
pinned adult image plus habitat, seasonality, description, biology, food plants, distribution (G.G. Anweiler, U. of Alberta)
pinned adult images compared with similar species (Moth Photographers Group)
adult images (Larry Line, Maryland)
food plants; PDF doc plus flight season and life cycle (Macrolepidoptera of Mont Saint-Hilaire Region, McGill U., Quebec)
distribution in Canada list of provinces (CBIF)