Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Hyperaeschra georgica (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855)
Phylogenetic sequence # 930010
Adult: forewing variably yellowish-beige to greenish-gray to grayish-brown or a patchy diffuse combination of those colors; AM and PM lines jagged, black, lined with white on side away from median area; large dull yellowish basal patch usually present; short black streaks in subterminal area near costa and near anal angle; triangular tuft of black scales midway along inner margin projects upward when moth holds wings in resting "tent" position.
hindwing white in male; gray in female
Larva: body green or whitish-green with conspicuous yellow spiracular stripe often edged with red, and continuing onto head and mandibles; body below spiracular stripe bright green with elongate maroon spot on most segments; top of eighth abdominal segment with small orangish-red knob
[larval description adapted from Caterpillars of Eastern Forests]
New Brunswick to Florida, west to eastern California, north to Manitoba (absent from Pacific northwest)
adults fly from April to August in the south; May to July in north
larvae present from June to October
Larvae feed on leaves of oak (Quercus spp.)
Life Cycle
two generations per year in the south; one or two in the north
Larva; adult
Print References
Covell, p. 330, plate 42 #8
Internet References
Moth Photographers Group - range map, photos of larva, living and pinned adults.
BOLD - Barcode of Life Data Systems - species account with collection map and photos of pinned adults.
Larry Line, Maryland adult images showing range of coloration