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Help ID - Periplaneta australasiae

Help ID - Periplaneta australasiae
Sarasota County, Florida, USA
July 2, 2010
Size: 3/8 inch
Came crawling from the shower drain.

I’m in Port Charlotte and j
I’m in Port Charlotte and just found one in my laundry room. SAME EXACT roach with shirt antenna and rounded head!!! I have photos.

Moved from Periplaneta.

Most cockroach nymphs are really hard to call. This looks very much like a nymph of the Brown Cockroach (Periplaneta brunnea). The "habitat" also fits with this species, although other species in this genus also thrive in sewer lines.

I'm not certain enough to create a new Guide Page at this time- BugGuide currently has no confirmed images of this species, with part of the problem being the difficulty in telling them apart from American cockroaches as adults from photographs. Eventually one of us (or perhaps a new volunteer) may be confident enough to make the call. It is partly because of this that I am trying to encourage people to keep posting pictures of cockroaches, even if they appear to be of a common species- I want to fill in the gaps of known species in Norh America, and also see if we can pick up other invasive species that have yet to be identified because few people are really looking for new invasive species of cockroaches. Thanks for helping!
Moved from ID Request.

Thanks John
Always appreciate your feedback. I just submitted another to ID request.

Cockroach of some variety...
I can't tell you much beyond that, unfortunately. Someone else will most likely be able to take the ID further.

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