Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Drepana arcuata Walker, 1855
Drepana fabula (Grote, 1862)
Drepana genicula (Grote, 1862)
Drepana grotei Barnes & Benjamin, 1922
Drepana arcuata siculifer Packard, 1872
Drepana arcuata alaskensis Barnes & Benjamin, 1922
Phylogenetic Sequence # 850019
forewing length 1.5 - 2.1 cm
Adult - yellow tan or pale tan with thin wavey lines. Easily distinguished by their sharp falcate forewing apexes
Larvae - green with mottled brown, purple and black on the dorsum. There are paired prominent dorsal bumps or verrucae on the second thoratic through second abdominal segments. The head is whitish with two brown purple bands. The last abdominal segment is acuminate with a short dorsal horn and is held in an elevated position while at rest
widespread across temperate North America from southern Alaska east across Canada to Newfoundland and south to northern California, Colorado, Texas, and the southeast
Adults fly from May to August (mainly June to July)
(1)Life Cycle
Larvae live in silk-lined shelters on leaves that have the edged folded up. When disturbed they are said to make a faint tapping noise that may serve to space out competing individuals. Pupation is within the folded leaf in a tough, pale brown cocoon
See Also
Oreta rosea -
Rose Hooktip
Some of the Geometrid Moths may look very similar. Double-check the position on the discal spots and the shape of the lines.
Eutrapela clemataria -
Curve-toothed Geometer Patalene olyzonaria -
Juniper-twig Geometer Prochoerodes lineola -
Large Maple Spanworm
Some of the members of family Eribidae may also be confused. Double-check the shape of the wings.
Anticarsia gemmatalis -
Velvetbean Caterpillar Moth Internet References
Moth Photographers Group - range map, photos of living and pinned adults.