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Beetle - Pytho americanus

Beetle - Pytho americanus
Boxborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA
February 4, 2006
Size: 12mm
Found under bark of a large white pine log.

Images of this individual: tag all
Beetle - Pytho americanus Beetle - Pytho americanus

Moved from Pytho planus.

Pythidae: Pytho sp.
Three uncommon (and one very rare) species in NH. There is at least one other picture of this species in BugGuide.

Can species be determined?
I've still got this beetle in the fridge, if a specimen helps, otherwise I'll let it go.

Two possible:
It's either Pytho plan*us or Pytho seid*litzi, since I have to believe that Pytho niger is the all-black species.

Pythidae: Pytho planus
Other species overlap in color with Pytho niger, but this is the brown form of Pytho planus. The anterior lateral pronotal margins are wider than the posterior ones. Usually, but not always, with a metallic luster.

Species ID
That's great!!! I guess that Pytho seid*litzi is the rare one of the three, since that's the only one still missing. Don, thanks again.

Or Prio*gnathus monili*cornis
There are four species listed on UNH Web site. My guess is Pytho seid*litzi is the metallic blue one.

No, it's not. I just checked. Don Chandler says the metallic blue is the slightly more common variation of this species, P. planus.


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