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Small black ladybug - Hyperaspis quadrioculata

Small black ladybug - Hyperaspis quadrioculata
California, USA
July 11, 2010
Size: 3-4 mm
Small black ladybug with 4 orange spots, 2 orange marks on pronotum.
Found on strawberries I bought from Trader Joes which distributes from Monrovia, California. Not entirely sure where they source there food from. Reminds me of brachiacantha ursina, but less spots.

Images of this individual: tag all
Small black ladybug - Hyperaspis quadrioculata Small black ladybug - Hyperaspis quadrioculata Small black ladybug - Hyperaspis quadrioculata Small black ladybug - Hyperaspis quadrioculata

Moved from Hyperaspis.

probably Hyperaspis quadrioculata, female
This matches the "notulans" form of the common but variable Western species Hyperaspis quadrioculata:

It's a female - her head is all black and she has only narrow pale markings on her pronotum. The male has a pale head and more extensive pronotal markings.

Moved from ID Request.

Hyperaspis, not sure which
A few very similar species in CA; definitely genus Hyperaspis, though. Could you maybe submit two larger images so I can get a better look at it?

Larger photos
Thank you for your reply Abigail. The photos are as large as I could get the ladybug without being too blurry. I simply cropped in on the ladybug in the source photos without a resize. I hope these additional photos are helpful. Thanks again.

Normally if you have multiple images of the same bug just use the "add image" link under the first image to add more.

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