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Fantastic site with photos and lots of information about many species. Allows you to search by common name, scientific name, even latitude and longitude.

The University of Alberta, E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum website has changed quit a bit over the years.
The current link for searching that website might be here: -- More info is here:


At which
of their "over 200 locations" is it kept? Until seeing their Web site that you linked to I assumed they were a 100% cyber-university diploma mill as I get spam from them frequently. In fact, scrolling through their degree offerings, the closest thing I saw to any sort of biology was in health/medical sciences. I wonder if maybe you had another university in mind. If you can find a link pertaining to an insect collection they might have, please post it here.

If you can find a link pertaining to an insect collection they might have, please post it here.

University of Alberta collection

It is a completely legit university and collection. I am a bit confused by the other comments! Mind you, they were nearly 10 years ago!

Happy searching,

I think we're outta luck, Michael.
I suspect this was a spurious comment. Notice johannabartley says "bug collection." Someone truly impressed with the greatness of a collection wouldn't likely call it a *bug* collection.

Great find!
They're great on ground beetles, thrips and moths. They will hopefully fill in some of the skimpier groups soon.

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