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Discussion about observation of Butterflies, Moths, Dragonflies, and other bugs in the Virginia-Maryland-Delaware region. This group is pretty active, and has some knowledgable people.

There are several other Yahoo entomology groups. One can search through them in the Yahoo Groups section--most appear to be under Science:Zoology. I'm going to post links to just a couple that I've found useful, since they have not been posted on bugguide previously.

Tetropium cinnamopterum (Col.: Cerambycidae)
Does this occur in the region?

Harford Butterflies
Sunday, March 25 produced my first butterfly sightings "up here" in Harford County, MD.

Cabbage White -- 1
anglewing sp. -- 1 (quick flutter-by, Comma or QM?)

Both were along the shore of the lower Susquehanna River.

Rick Cheicante
Harford County
Bel Air, MD