Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Catoptria oregonicus (Grote, 1880)
Crambus oregonicus Grote, 1880
Catoptria oregonica (alternate spelling)
*Phylogentic sequence #280450
Explanation of Names
type specimen was collected in Oregon
one of 4 species in this genus in North America
Adult: forewing white with patchy brown scaling; central white streak runs from base to median line; median line dark, deeply zigzagged; PM line white, diffuse, blotchy; subterminal line thin, dark, curved, edged distally with white; subterminal and terminal areas brown; terminal line thin, dark, edged proximally with white; fringe a mix of brown and white scales; hindwing pale brownish-gray; fringe white
British Columbia and Alberta to Montana, Oregon and northern coastal California. in the Sierra Nevada up to 12,500'
meadows in mountains and foothills; adults are nocturnal and come to light
adults fly from July to early September
(1)Print References
Grote, A. R. 1880, Crambidae.
The Canadian Entomologist, 12:
Powell, J. A. & P. A. Opler, Moths of Western North America,
p. 182, pl. 24.22(1)
Internet References
Moth Photographers Group - photos of living and pinned adults.
BOLD - Barcode of Life Data Systems - species account with photographs of pinned adults
pinned adult image by Charles Bird, plus habitat, flight season, description, distribution (Strickland Entomological Museum, U. of Alberta)
presence in California; list (U. of California at Berkeley)