Adult - Most are primarily yellow, but a small portion has a large brown patch or markedly dark ante and postmedial bands. Rare individuals completely infuscated with brown scaling
(1). Rindge's description follows: Forewings varying from cream colored to bright yellow; maculation extremely variable, with wings varying from immaculate, to having cross lines represented by either small dots or broad lines, to having part or entire median area more or less completely brown; discal spot usually present, dark brown, round or elliptical, large, 1 to 2 mm. wide and 2 mm. long, with some pale scaling medially; t. a. line, when present, arising on costa one-fourth distance from base, outwardly curved into cell, then going more or less at right angle to inner margin; median shade line, when present, arising near middle of costa and extending to discal spot, curving basad and thence to inner margin; t. p. line, when present, arising on costa threefourths distance from base, slightly concave to vein M1, then weakly S-shaped to inner margin, tending to have line thickened or outwardly dentate on veins; s. t. line absent; terminal line absent or weakly represented, pale brown; fringe varying from being concolorous with wing to dark brown. Hind wings white or pale grayish white, some suffused with yellow distally, and having a few scattered brown scales; maculation absent in most specimens, but brown postdiscal line sometimes partially represented; discal dot and terminal line absent; fringe concolorous with wing or slightly darkened
(1) [Randy Hardy]
Larvae - variable light green, gray, or brown. Markings are variable and may be red, brown or black. There is a pair of distictive dorsal bumps on the second abdominal segment
(1) [Randy Hardy]