Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Histeromerus moved to Histeromerinae; Acrophasmus synonymized under Doryctinus; Aptenobracon synonymized under Rhaconotus
~160 spp. in 25 genera in our area;
(1) >2000 spp. in ~200 genera and 15 tribes worldwide
Subfamily Doryctinae
Tribe Binareini
1. Liobracon (1 sp.)
Tribe Doryctini
Subtribe Dendrosotina
2. Dendrosoter (6 spp.)
Subtribe Doryctina
3. Doryctes (15 spp.)
4. Ontsira (8 spp.)
5. Pedinotus (1 sp.)
6. Rhoptrocentrus (1 sp.)
Tribe Ecphylini
7. Aivalykus (1 sp.)
8. Ecphylus (22 spp.)
Tribe Hecabolini
Subtribe Hecabolina
9. Hecabolus (1 sp.)
10. Leluthia (3 spp.)
11. Monolexis (1 sp.)
Subtribe Pambolideina
12. Pambolidea (2 spp.)
Subtribe Stenocorsina
13. Allorhogas (4 spp.)
14. Callihormius (4 spp.)
15. Curtisella (1 sp.)
16. Doryctinus (9 spp.)
17. Glyptocolastes (2 spp.)
18. Stenocorse (1 sp.)
Tribe Heterospilini
19. Heterospilus (32 spp.)
20. Pioscelus (2 spp.)
Tribe Holcobraconini
Subtribe Odontobraconina
21. Odontobracon (6 spp.)
Tribe Rhaconotini
Subtribe Rhaconotina
23. Rhaconotus (10 spp.)
Tribe Spathiini
Subtribe Ptesimogastrina
24. Ptesimogaster (2 spp.)
Subtribe Spathiini
25. Spathius (24 spp.)
Row of thickened spines (figures 9, 10) along length of outer or front surface of fore tibia and sometimes also middle tibia (these may be a challenge to find)(Belokobilskij & Zaldivar-Riveron 2014)
The subfamily is diagnosed by a row of spines on protibia, a flange on the propleuron above the forecoxa, the presence of an epicnemial carina and occipital carina (Marsh 2002), a double node near the apex of the dorsal valve of the ovipositor (Quicke et al., 1992), and a cyclostome mouth. (
Seltmann & Sharkey 2007)
larval hosts: larvae of beetles, sawflies, and some moths
(2)Print References
Belokobylskij S.A., Zaldivar-Riveron A. (2014) The genus
Spathius Nees (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Doryctinae) in Mexico: occurrence of a highly diverse Old World taxon in the Neotropics. Zookeys 427: 59–73. (
Full text)
Marsh P.M. (1965) The Nearctic Doryctinae. I. A review of the subfamily with a taxonomic revision of the tribe Hecabolini (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 58(5): 668–699.