Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
4 tribes recognized in
(1), 7 tribes more recently
~100 species
(3), 16 genera (+1 undescribed) in our area
(4); ~2,000 spp. in ~40 genera worldwide.
Tribe Agathidini: Aerophilus (35 spp.), Agathis, Alabagrus (6 spp.), Aphelagathis (6 spp.) Neothlipsis, Plesiocoelus, Pneumagathis
Tribe Agathirsini: Agathirsia, Crassomicrodus, Gelastagathis
Tribe Cremnoptini: Cremnops, Zacremnops
Tribe Disophrini: Zelomorpha (3 spp.)
Tribe Earinini: Earinus (5 spp.)
Tribe Lytopylini: Lytopylus (2 spp.)
Tribe Mesocoelini: Therophilus, undescribed genus (=annulipes-group)
Keys to genera in
Fore wing M+CU not tubular in basal 1/3 or more
Fore wing 3RSb terminating at wing margin near stigma and distant from wing apex
Most terrestrial habitats.
Agathis and
Earinus are more species-rich in temperate regions. In
Agathis and
Crassomicrodus, some species tend toward desert habitat. Other genera most diverse in humid tropics.
hosts: Lepidoptera larvae
species useful for pest control in our area include Agathis pumila against larch casebearer; A. stigma and Cremnops laricella against sugarcane borer; & Bassus unicoloratus against potato tuberworm.
"There are three main Agathidine genera with the 'long face' (
Agathus, Bassus, and
Agathus is almost always entirely black, whereas
Bassus and
Cremnops are red & black.
Cremnops has a carina extending from the lateral margin of the antenna to the lateral ocelli. The carina is absent in
Bassus." (Comment by M.J. Sharkey, 2007).
Bassus has been split into several genera; according to the current concept, Bassus do not occur in our area.