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Photos of insects and people from the 2024 BugGuide gathering in Idaho July 24-27

Moth submissions from National Moth Week 2024

Photos of insects and people from the 2022 BugGuide gathering in New Mexico, July 20-24

Photos of insects and people from the Spring 2021 gathering in Louisiana, April 28-May 2

Photos of insects and people from the 2019 gathering in Louisiana, July 25-27

Photos of insects and people from the 2018 gathering in Virginia, July 27-29

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Subfamily Agathidinae

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Parasitic Wasp - Agathis malvacearum - female Ichneumonoidea? - Aerophilus nigripes - female Long-tailed wasp - Agathis malvacearum - female Atanycolus? - Alabagrus texanus - female Aerophilus 689A 5371 & 5379 - Aerophilus - female Braconidae: Aerophilus Terrymoyeri? - Aerophilus Wasp ~7mm - Aerophilus - male Alabagrus texanus? - Alabagrus texanus - male

Orange and black wasp? with long antenna - Agathirsia nigricauda Pristaulacus? - Agathirsia testacea - female Pristaulacus? - Agathirsia testacea - female Symphyta? - Agathirsia Wasp 473A 2695 & 2713 & 2714 - Crassomicrodus clypealis Unknown Ichneuman wasp - Agathirsia nigricauda wasp - Agathirsia Agathirsia? - Agathirsia nigricauda - female

Cremnops comstocki - female parasitoid wasp - Cremnops Wasps - Left Dorsal - Cremnops - male Cremnops sp. - Cremnops - female red wasp with black wings - Cremnops - female red wasp with black wings - male - Cremnops - male Cremnops sp. - Cremnops Cremnops sp. - Cremnops

Red Wasp - Zelomorpha arizonensis Zelomorpha arizonensis Braconid wasp - Zelomorpha arizonensis - female Zelomorpha arizonensis? - Zelomorpha arizonensis - female Dark Legs - Zelomorpha arizonensis - female Zelomorpha arizonensis? - Zelomorpha arizonensis Aleiodes? - Zelomorpha arizonensis - female Zelomorpha arizonensis

Wasp? Queen? Bee? - Earinus limitaris Hairy ichneumonoid - Earinus - female Earinus - female Any ID on this beauty? - Earinus - female Wasp with long ovipositor - Earinus - female Wasp - Ichneumon? - Earinus Orange-legged black ichneumonoid - Earinus Pennsylvania Wasp for ID - Earinus

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