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Tribe Catocalini

Phylum Arthropoda - Arthropods
Subphylum Hexapoda - Hexapods
Class Insecta - Insects
Order Lepidoptera - Butterflies and Moths
Superfamily Noctuoidea - Owlet Moths and kin
Family Erebidae
Subfamily Erebinae
Tribe Catocalini

Genus Catocala - Underwings
Species allusa - Catocala allusa - Hodges#8809
Species abbreviatella - Abbreviated Underwing Moth - Hodges#8841
Species agrippina - Agrippina Underwing - Hodges#8787
Species aholibah - Aholibah Underwing - Hodges#8800
Species alabamae - Alabama Underwing - Hodges#8869
Species amatrix - The Sweetheart - Hodges#8834
Species amestris - Three-staffed Underwing - Hodges#8844
Species amica - Girlfriend Underwing - Hodges#8878
Species amica-lineella - Girlfriend & Little Lined Underwing
Species andromache - Andromache Underwing - Hodges#8836
Species andromedae - Gloomy Underwing - Hodges#8849
Species angusi - Angus' Underwing - Hodges#8783
Species antinympha - Sweetfern Underwing - Hodges#8775
Species atocala - Catocala atocala - Hodges#8787.1
Species badia - Bay Underwing - Hodges#8777
Subspecies coelebs - The Old Maid
Species benjamini - Catocala benjamini - Hodges#8837.1
Species blandula - Charming Underwing - Hodges#8867
Species briseis - Briseis Underwing - Hodges#8817
Species californica - Catocala californica - Hodges#8814
Species californiensis - Catocala californiensis - Hodges#8862
Species cara - Darling Underwing - Hodges#8832
Species carissima - Carissima Underwing - Hodges#8832.1
Species cerogama - Yellow-banded Underwing - Hodges#8802
Species chelidonia - Catocala chelidonia - Hodges#8838
Species clintonii - Clinton's Underwing Moth - Hodges#8872
Species coccinata - Scarlet Underwing - Hodges#8851
Species concumbens - Pink Underwing - Hodges#8833
Species connubialis - Connubial Underwing - Hodges#8877
Species consors - The Consort Underwing - Hodges#8772
Species crataegi - Hawthorn Underwing - Hodges#8858
Species dejecta - Dejected Underwing - Hodges#8790
Species delilah - Catocala delilah - Hodges#8835
Species desdemona - Desdemona Underwing - Hodges#8835.1
Species dulciola - Sweet underwing moth - Hodges#8871
Species epione - Epione Underwing - Hodges#8773
Species faustina - Catocala faustina - Hodges#8811
Subspecies cleopatra - Catocala faustina cleopatra
Species flebilis - Catocala flebilis - Hodges#8782
Species frederici - Catocala frederici - Hodges#8837
Species gracilis - Graceful Underwing - Hodges#8847
Species grotiana - Catocala grotiana - Hodges#8818
Species grynea - Woody Underwing - Hodges#8864
Species habilis - Habilis Underwing - Hodges#8778
Species hermia - Catocala hermia - Hodges#8812
Subspecies francisca - Catocala hermia francisca
Species herodias - Herodias Underwing - Hodges#8850
Subspecies gerhardi - Gerhard's Underwing
Subspecies herodias - Herodias Underwing
Species ilia - Ilia Underwing - Hodges#8801
Subspecies zoe - Catocala ilia zoe
Species ilia-umbrosa - Catocala ilia or umbrosa
Species illecta - Catocala illecta - Hodges#8840
Species innubens - The Betrothed - Hodges#8770
Species insolabilis - Inconsolable Underwing - Hodges#8791
Species irene - Catocala irene - Hodges#8807
Species jair - Jair Underwing - Hodges#8879
Species jessica - Jessica Underwing - Hodges#8825
Species judith - Judith's Underwing Moth - Hodges#8781
Species junctura - Joined Underwing - Hodges#8829
Species lacrymosa - Tearful Underwing - Hodges#8794
Species lincolnana - Lincoln's Underwing - Hodges#8860
Species louiseae - Louise's Underwing - Hodges#8848
Species luciana - Luciana Underwing - Hodges#8808
Species maestosa - Sad Underwing - Hodges#8793
Species marmorata - Marbled Underwing - Hodges#8804
Species mcdunnoughi - Catocala mcdunnoughi - Hodges#8839
Species meskei - Meske's Underwing - Hodges#8822
Species messalina - Catocala messalina - Hodges#8845
Species micronympha - Little Nymph Underwing - Hodges#8876
Species minuta - Little Underwing - Hodges#8874
Species mira - Wonderful Underwing - Hodges#8863
Species miranda - Catocala miranda - Hodges#8855
Species muliercula - The Little Wife Underwing - Hodges#8774
Species myristica - Catocala myristica - Hodges#8780.1
Species nebulosa - Clouded Underwing - Hodges#8796
Species neogama - The Bride - Hodges#8798
Subspecies euphemia - Catocala neogama euphemia
Species nuptialis - Married Underwing - Hodges#8842
Species obscura - Catocala obscura - Hodges#8784
Species ophelia - Catocala ophelia - Hodges#8854
Species orba - Orb Underwing Moth - Hodges#8856
Species palaeogama - Oldwife Underwing - Hodges#8795
Species parta - Mother Underwing - Hodges#8806
Species piatrix - The Penitent - Hodges#8771
Subspecies dionyza - Catocala piatrix dionyza
Species praeclara - Praeclara Underwing - Hodges#8865
Species pretiosa - Precious Underwing - Hodges#8858.1
Subspecies texarkana - Catocala pretiosa texarkana
Species relicta - White Underwing - Hodges#8803
Species residua - Residua Underwing - Hodges#8785
Species retecta-luctuosa - Yellow-gray Underwing and Hulst's Underwing
Species robinsonii - Robinson's Underwing - Hodges#8780
Species sappho - Sappho Underwing - Hodges#8786
Species semirelicta - Semirelict Underwing - Hodges#8821
Species serena - Serene Underwing - Hodges#8779
Species similis - Similar Underwing - Hodges#8873
Species sordida - Sordid Underwing - Hodges#8846
Species subnata - Youthful Underwing - Hodges#8797
Species texanae - Catocala texanae - Hodges#8830
Species ulalume - Ulalume Underwing Moth - Hodges#8789
Species ultronia - Ultronia Underwing - Hodges#8857
Species umbrosa - Catocala umbrosa - Hodges#8801.1
Species unijuga - Once-married Underwing - Hodges#8805
Species verrilliana - Catocala verrilliana - Hodges#8852
Species vidua - Widow Underwing - Hodges#8792
Species violenta - Catocala violenta - Hodges#8853
Species whitneyi - Whitney's Underwing Moth - Hodges#8843
Species obscura-residua - Catocala obscura or residua
No Taxon possible cerogama
Genus Spiloloma
Species lunilinea - Moon-lined Moth - Hodges#8769