Superfamily Noctuoidea - Owlet Moths and kin
A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) By Zahiri, R., I.J. Kitching, J.D. Lafontaine, M. Mutanen, L. Kaila, J.D. Holloway, and N. Wahlberg Zoologica Scripta 40: 158–173., 2010
Available free on ResearchGate
Contributed by Aaron Hunt on 23 March, 2021 - 1:48am |
A new genus and 37 new noctuoid species from peninsular Florida and the Keys By Troubridge, J.T. Insecta Mundi (0789): 1-56, 2020
.pdf: https://centerforsystematicentomology.org/insectamundi/0789_Troubridge_2020.pdf
Contributed by Kyhl Austin on 25 September, 2020 - 2:50pm |
Descriptions of Noctuidae, chiefly from California By Grote, A.R. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 4: 169-18, 1878
Grote, A.R., 1878. Descriptions of Noctuidae, chiefly from California. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 4: 169-187.
Contributed by Steve Nanz on 2 August, 2020 - 3:47am |
A review of the higher classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) with special reference to the Holarctic fauna By Michael Fibiger and J. Donald Lafontaine Esperiana: Buchreihe zur Entomologie, Vol. 11, pp. 7-92, 2005
1903 New Noctuids for 1903. No. 5 By Smith, J.B. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 11: 188-193., 1903
Smith, J.B., 1903. New Noctuids for 1903. No. 5. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 11: 188-193.
Contributed by Steve Nanz on 11 December, 2019 - 2:23pm |
Additions and corrections to the check list of the Noctuoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) of North America north of Mexico IV By Schmidt, B.C., J.D. Lafontaine & J.T. Troubridge ZooKeys. 788: 241-252, 2018
Contributed by Steve Nanz on 9 October, 2018 - 9:01am |
Description and notes on the Noctuidae. By Augustus Radcliffe Grote Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 16: 239-245, 1874
Grote, A.R., 1874Description and notes on the Noctuidae. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 16: 239-245
The genus Catocala. By George. D. Hulst Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 7(1): 14-56, 1884
Hulst, G.D., 1884. The genus Catocala. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 7(1): 14-56.
Contributed by Randy Hardy on 26 February, 2018 - 1:50pm |