Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada

Superfamily Cossoidea - Carpenter and Clearwing Moths

The information below is based on images submitted and identified by contributors. Range and date information may be incomplete, overinclusive, or just plain wrong.

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Range map for Carpenter and Clearwing Moths

Hover over black occurrence boxes to see number of images submitted. Log in to make states, months and boxes clickable.
Alabama  61220111817731 
Alaska      3     
Alberta     5124    
Arizona  41853738110741346 
Arkansas  13141391641  
British Columbia    61633161   
California  101928837122721 
Colorado   11332431432  
Connecticut     26     
Delaware    2552    
Georgia 172030261120124  
Idaho     413     
Illinois   173458238  6
Indiana   321617135   
Iowa    4382791   
Kansas    586231  
Kentucky   431112121   
Maine     8296    
Manitoba     215     
Maryland   61241201861  
Massachusetts    74651247   
Michigan    21838152   
Minnesota     4057211   
Mississippi   271121   
Missouri    7111075   
Montana     193    
Nebraska    234416    
Nevada   11682     
New Brunswick     894    
New Hampshire    1103071   
New Jersey    731271210   
New Mexico   632132165127 
New York    74264151   
North Carolina  241435212371 1
North Dakota3   21718 4   
Nova Scotia     161    
Ohio   2822401931  
Oklahoma  4814161469   
Ontario  2 2369228    
Oregon    324471311   
Pennsylvania   1558672612   
Quebec     113471   
Rhode Island     516 5   
Saskatchewan     59     
South Carolina  7 97326   
South Dakota     13     
Tennessee   101926211175  
Utah   4812171255  
Vermont     12108    
Virginia   3635352761  
Washington    122149234   
West Virginia    1246    
Wisconsin    123729    
Wyoming     411661  
Yukon Territory     43