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Superfamily Geometroidea - Geometrid and Swallowtail Moths

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A new species of Nepytia (Lepidoptera: Geometridae ), of economic importance to Douglas fir in British Columbia
By Eugene Munroe
The Canadian Entomologist 95(4): 407-413, 1963

A revision of the moth genus Gabriola (Lepidoptera, Geometridae).
By Frederick H. Rindge
American Museum Novitates 2550: 1-24, f.1-26, 1974

A revision of the species of Nematocampa (Geometridae: Ennominae) occurring in the United States and Canada
By Douglas C. Ferguson
Journal of the Lepidopterist Society, 47: 60-77, 1993

New Geometrids in the genus Hydriomena
By Swett, L.W.
The Canadian Entomologist. 41(6): 229-233, 1909
Swett, L.W., 1909. New Geometrids in the genus Hydriomena. The Canadian Entomologist. 41(6): 229-233.


New Hydriomena Varieties
By Swett, L.W.
The Canadian Entomologist. 42(8): 277-283., 1910
Swett, L.W., 1910. New Hydriomena Varieties. The Canadian Entomologist. 42(8): 277-283.


Notes on the early stages of the barberry Geometrid moths, genus Coryphista, and the description of a new ...
By John Adams Comstock
Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences 66: 92-98 , 1967
Notes on the early stages of the barberry Geometrid moths, genus Coryphista, and the description of a new subspecies of C. meadii (Lepidopitera).

Full text PDF

Revision of the Nearctic species of the genus Entephria (Hübner) Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Larentiinae
By J. T. Troubridge
Insect Systematics & Evolution, 28(2): 121-139, 1996
Troubridge, J.T., 1996. Revision of the Nearctic species of the genus Entephria Hübner (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Larentiinae). Insect Systematics & Evolution, 28(2): 121-139.

Abstract and copies available

A Revision of the North American Moths of the Genus Lomographa (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)
By Frederick H. Rindge
American Museum Novitates 2673: 1-18, 1979

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