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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Phyllobrotica sp ? - Phyllobrotica nigritarsis

Phyllobrotica sp ? - Phyllobrotica nigritarsis
El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas, USA
May 25, 2010
Size: 5.3mm
Net sweep around road edges at El Dorado Lake. Keyes out to Phyllo*brotica using
(1). About 17 species in NA. The only close photo comparison I found in the
guide pages was P. decorata, which has the similar dorsum, but this one has a dark
yellow head with a brown center stripe, and the tarsi are completely black. Would
like an experts call on this fella.

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Phyllobrotica sp ? - Phyllobrotica nigritarsis Phyllobrotica sp ? - Phyllobrotica nigritarsis

Phyllobrotica nigritarsis Linell -- det. E.G. Riley, 2010
[nice! new one for us, Bruce. =v=]

Moved from Luperini.

Moved from Beetles.

Moved from ID Request.