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Marpissa what? - dorsal - Marpissa obtusa - female

Marpissa what? - dorsal - Marpissa obtusa - Female
Austin, Travis County, Texas, USA
August 13, 2010
Size: 4.5mm
Surely a Marpissa. If I don't get an ID, I'll attempt to scope her out.

Found in my dryer! I suspect it fell in when I opened the dryer door. The dryer is in the garage.

Images of this individual: tag all
Marpissa what? - dorsal - Marpissa obtusa - female Marpissa what? - side - Marpissa obtusa - female Marpissa what? - portrait - Marpissa obtusa - female Marpissa what? - ventral - Marpissa obtusa - female Marpissa what? - epigynum ventral - Marpissa obtusa - female

Moved from Marpissa.

My call: Marpissa obtusa
I just posted a photo of the ventral epigynum. It is very similar to both M. lineata and M. obtusa (see the links I included on the epigynum photo page). One clear difference is that the copulatory openings in lineata aim away from each other. It may not be exactly clear in this epigynum shot, but here they are aimed slightly towards each other, as in the Barnes 1978 drawing.

I have already collected two male M. obtusa from my yard, so the females are very likely in my yard too. This specimen here was also collected in my yard, and I have another identical to this one still alive in a jar, from my yard, which I haven't decided about collecting. And I have never seen a male lineata. This seems like additional, if circumstantial, evidence that we're looking at M. obtusa.

Furthermore, the female here has a different abdominal pattern than the one consistently being shown here on bugguide for M. lineata: . The female still alive in the jar has an identical pattern to the above-shown specimen -- broken dashes.

I think it's M. obtusa. Barnes 1978 describes M. obtusa as a new species apparently from only two specimens: one male, one female. I have found two males and two females so far in my yard.

Note: I just took a look at the additional live female I have. Her copulatory openings are also aimed slightly towards each other.

Yes, looks like a good match to Logunov's (1999c) drawing. You meant Barnes 1958, didn't you? Thanks for posting the images.


Yes, sorry. Barnes 1958. Actu
Yes, sorry. Barnes 1958. Actually, that "Logunov" drawing is in Barnes 1958, so I suspect it is due to Barnes and the two specimens he had.

I just found another one of t
I just found another one of these, an adult female. My landscaper has been laying cardboard over the yard to block weeds. I pulled up a sheet of cardboard that had been there for months, and the little lady was on the underside of the cardboard. I wonder if this might be the mysterious female Marpissa obtusa, supposedly never collected. I found the male in my yard last year. I've gotta key this one out.


Did you ever get a closer look at the epigynum?

Haven't made the effort yet.
Haven't made the effort yet. I'm about to send a bunch of specimens to Hank for IDs, need to decide which ones I'm keeping here for my own investigations.

Moved from Jumping Spiders.

My hunch is M. lineata. But d
My hunch is M. lineata. But do take a look!


Moved from ID Request.

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