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pupa - Archytas apicifer

pupa - Archytas apicifer
San Leandro, Alameda County, California, USA
February 25, 2006
I think this some kind of Lepidoptera pupa, but that's not what came out of it... There is a hole in it you can see to the left in this photo. I figured when I put it in a sealed container that it had been parasitized. The pupa was found in the dirt in my yard.

Images of this individual: tag all
pupa - Archytas apicifer pupal remains - Archytas apicifer fly - Archytas apicifer fly - Archytas apicifer - female fly - Archytas apicifer - female fly - Archytas apicifer fly - Archytas apicifer - female

Moved from Archytas.

Two months ago I found a pupa nearly identical to this hidden inside a VERY strong, flat, oval-shaped retreat under some tree bark, and placed it in the 'fridge for storage.

I took it out of the container awhile ago to compare it to yours under an 8x loupe, and after a minute of holding it between my thumb and forefinger it started to squirm around! That kinda freaked me out so I tossed it back in the 'fridge! I mean, a Lep is one thing, but a giant man-eating fly buzzing around inside the house is something else entirely. :-D

I'll try to get a good photo of the pupa tonight and upload for comparison. And it's starting to get warm enough outside now that I could probably go ahead and let it mature soon to find out what's inside.

Jay Barnes

giant man-eating fly
Your comments made me laugh because I had a similar reaction at first when I saw the fly. It was not what I was expecting, and while flies don't normally alarm me there was something alarming about it appearing in the container. In fact, I had to inquire whether someone had put the fly there as a joke and removed the thing that REALLY came out of the pupa (the answer was no).

Just uploaded mine
I just uploaded mine here:

I think my specimen will have a more predictable result since it appears to still be occupied by the original critter.

Jay Barnes

Yes, it looks the same as mine, but more likely to have the original insect inside. Let us know what emerges!

Nice series, Joyce.
You do a good job of discovering and recording behavior.

no need to ever watch TV
with all this exciting stuff occurring right under our noses! :)

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