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Very small bug in the basement - Dorypteryx domestica

Very small bug in the basement - Dorypteryx domestica
St-Apollinaire, Lotbiniere County, Quebec, Canada
September 13, 2010
Size: ~1.5 mm
There seems to be a lot of them, but as they are very small we don't notice them much unless looking for them. They seem to be able to jump, or it might be that the bugs are not able to fly much ?

A special request
You were so kind as to let me use this image on my website. Now I am beginning the long journey of writing a book about my favorite insects. For that I will need a "larger" version of this image... which is the very best one I can find of this species. We don't have basements down here in Texas and I've never seen one of these critters. If you still have the original of this image and you are willing to let me use it in a book, please email me. I will then reply with my "form email" for this purpose.

I have sent you an email to t
I have sent you an email to the address listed on your profile, check it out!

I woud love to use this image..
on my website "Psocoptera of Texas" (with proper credit, of course). May I? When I click on "PIBM" I do not find a biography with your name, etc.

As you please!
I find it interesting that it's the first picture of that bug on the web (google image), and I have no problem with you using it. I'll be configuring my profile.

Dorypteryx domestica (Smithers) -- det. E.L. Mockford
Moved from Cave Barklice.

Moved tentatively; very nice & new to the Guide!!! Psocathropos?
Moved from ID Request.

Booklouse or barklouse,
also known as a psocid. More info here.

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