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Crane Fly - Limonia simulans - male

Crane Fly - Limonia simulans - Male
Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau, Alaska, USA
August 22, 2010
Size: 6 mm
Limonia sp. Similar to another Limonia I photographed in B.C. several years ago (the patterning differs somewhat):

Moved tentatively
Keys in Alexander 1967 to this species. The couplet goes to Dicranomyia defuncta concinna and D. simulans, both recognized by the Catalogue of the Craneflies of the World as subspecies of Dicranomyia simulans recorded in the western U.S. (though apparently not as far north as AK). From the key characters given, this individual fits simulans better; however there are some differences in the branching of the radial veins.

Moved from Limonia.


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