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Springtails? - Podura aquatica

Springtails? - Podura aquatica
Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA
March 25, 2006
Size: ~2mm
In a pond at Mt. Auburn Cemetery, on the surface of the water and floating leaf debris.

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Springtails? - Podura aquatica Springtails? - Podura aquatica Springtails? - Podura aquatica

I think the genus is Podura...and if my memory serves the specie is aquatica. I believe its the only aquatic springtail.

Podura aquatica?
Thanks, Andy. The image on this page certainly looks similar. Is there anything else they could be?

I am not sure
If there is an expert that happens upon this he/she may be able to tell you more. But I feel pretty sure on Podura... I collected several for an aquatic entomology class last spring and the species I found were p. aquatica and if I remember my readings correctly they were the only (or at least the most common) aquatic Collembola.

Podura aquatica
Hi Andy and Peter. Rest assured. It is Podura aquatica. It is a typical semi aquatic springtail. Although it can be confused at first with some other semi aquatic hypogastrurids it can easily be distinguished by the very long arms or dentes of the pincerlike jumping organ or furca. In the picture this can be seen clearly in the white sheddings.

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