Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
First described in 1819 by
Pierre André LatreilleExplanation of Names
Selenops is from Greek selene (σεληνη)- "moon" + ops (ωψ)- "eye, face". Latreille translated it into French as "yeux en croissant" which means "eyes in a crescent"
85 species in the New World.
7 species in BugGuide's range (North America north of Mexico), but many species in Central America that can be possible imports.
This genus is found throughout the tropics and subtropics worldwide and can be found in southern parts of the U.S.
In Sarah Crews' 2011 paper, it is noted that there are quite a few unsorted specimens from all over the southwest (so it is best not to take the following ranges as concrete).
S. actophilus - throughout the southwest (collection localities include Arizona, California, & Texas)
S. aissus - collection localities include Alabama & the Florida Keys
S. debilis - throughout the southwest (collection localities include Arizona & New Mexico)
S. insularis - southern Florida (also once found in Washington DC on bananas)
S. nesophilus - throughout the southwest (collection localities include Arizona & California)
S. submaculosus - southern Florida
S. mexicanus (=
S. galapagoensis) has been found on imported produce several times throughout the U.S. and has one record from Broward Co., FL.
(1)Internet References
Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle, 2d ed., v.30. p.579 Latreille's originals description of the genus (in French). The entry is under "Senelops", which is corrected in a footnote.